If you have an account on Freelancer.com, and you are still doing freelancing, then you should try Improving Freelancer.com Profile to get more attention from Clients and get awarded for bid.
Except bidding on posted projects, you could also be hired by the hire me widget on your profile page. So all you have to do is make your profile page as much as complete and make it to look better.

1. Add Profile Picture:
For Profile Picture you can use your own or team photo or your company logo. Employers recognize a face much quicker than they do an username or logo. To update your profile photo, visit your freelancer.com account details page. Image size would be 278 px square.
2. Add display name, Subheading and Summary:
Give employers a quick introduction about who you are and what services you can offer them. Ensure that your profile is free of spelling mistakes and grammatical errors.
For Display Name, you might prefer to use your full name or your company name rather than the username you selected when you signed up.
Make use of the subheading to provide your company slogan or to highlight your top skill that you can offer the employers. Do not use your real name there, as that won’t put any impact over your profile. Some Example of a better subheading could be – “Android Guru” or “WordPress Plugin Developer” or “SEO Expert” etc
Your summary can be used to tell about yourself, talk about your work history, summarize key points, describe your work ethics and highlight your top skills to ensure employers understand why you’re the right Freelancer for their job. Adding your availability daily hours, week work days & language preference at the bottom would be great.
3. Set an hourly rate that you are willing to work for:
You can edit your hourly rate underneath the Hire Me button on your profile page. This is optional, but it’s highly recommend that you fill that. Don’t set it too high so that anyone don’t think to reach you, also don’t let it lowest as this might question your capabilities.
4. Use Portfolio to Showcase Your Best work:

On your portfolio section, you can upload almost anything including images, text, audio and video. If there is a piece of work that you’re particularly proud of, you can choose to display this as a Featured item. While freelancer.com will not restrict your account if you don’t have a portfolio, they highly recommend you have one. However, in that section freelance designer’s always get some advantage. As programmer or coded doesn’t really have visual elements to showcase. In that case, add a brief note about the work and try a relative image from external source.
5. Complete your Resume
Show Employers examples of your work, highlight all your achievements locally or globally, and display your level of Education. Resumes should tell an employer a great deal about yourself, where you are, where you have been and where you are headed. Convince the employer why you’re the perfect fit for them to hire you.
6. Take Exam
Freelancer have a range of technical exams which allow you to certify your skills to potential employers. On passing each exam, a special badge will be added to your profile. This will highlight your abilities and will be displayed next to your bids, to help you stand out from others.
Except 3/4 exams, all other exam will charge $5. But good thing is you can use reward point to take an exam. Reward point are automatically achieved when – you bid on a project, client award you a project, client create a milestone, you complete a project, client leave a review for your completed project and few other events. So, you don’t have to worry about the reward point, they will come automatically.
Your Profile completion information will be visible on your profile page. Try to complete the profile 100% to take the best advantage on the marketplace.

Get Inspiration and See Examples of some great user profiles
- Jericho Domingo – Best Overall Profile
- OVX Solutions – Best Developer Profile
- Clifton Johnston – Best Web Designer Profile
- Sevenbros – Best Designer Profile
- The Word Chef – Best Writer Profile
- Sergey Bolshedvorsky – Best Mobile Developer Profile
- Armon Gatus – Best Marketing Profile